Welcome to Class One 2024/25
Spring Term
Teacher: Miss Scatcherd
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Barnett
In Class One our year one and year two children work together to learn and develop their knowledge and skills in a friendly and creative environment in which we celebrate the uniqueness of each child.
We follow the Jolly Phonics programme which is supported with reading books which the children take home. The children will be completing lots of practical maths, reading, writing, role play and creative activities (using a multi sensory approach). Where possible, these will be linked to the topic.
The children participate in differentiated phonics and guided reading groups and receive individual support as needed. They also have a spelling check every week and will begin to have times tables checks as the year goes on. Continuous provision is in place to promote creative learning and to allow the children to apply their knowledge and skills. We also have a wonderful outdoor area which is used daily to support the teaching of maths and English.
Children have a Jolly Phonics reading book to take home, which we politely request is read as much as possible.
Please see our planning, updates and photos (below).
Spring 2:
Full PE kit needs to be in school all week. Our PE slots are Wednesday and Friday however this may change. We have extremely limited spare PE kit.
Dates for this half term:
25th Feb - RE in action
4th March - PC Sharp talk about safer internet
4th and 5th March - Parents evening
6th March - World book day
7th March - Best efforts assembly
3rd April - Easter church service
4th April - Trophy assembly
Please see what we have been doing during the Autumn term below
History: We have been looking at the history of flight, this included going on a school trip to the Yorkshire Air Museum
Design and Technology: We have been looking at flight and how aeroplanes can fly. We made paper aeroplanes and helicopters and changed the designs to see how we can be affective in the design process.
Please see our medium term planning for Spring below.
Please see our long term planning below
Class letters/ newsletters
Name | |
Sept Newsletter.doc | Download |