Back St,
Wold Newton,
East Riding of Yorkshire
YO25 3YJ

Wold Newton Foundation School

01262 470633

Welcome to Class One 2023/24

Summer Term

Teacher: Miss Scatcherd 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Simmons

In Class One our year one and year two children work together to learn and develop their knowledge and skills in a friendly and creative environment in which we celebrate the uniqueness of each child. 

We follow the Jolly Phonics programme which is supported with reading books which the children take home. The children will be completing lots of practical maths, reading, writing, role play and creative activities (using a multi sensory approach). Where possible, these will be linked to the topic.

The children participate in differentiated phonics and guided reading groups and receive individual support as needed. They also have a spelling check every week and will begin to have times tables checks as the year goes on. Continuous provision  is in place to promote creative learning and to allow the children to apply their knowledge and skills. We also have a wonderful outdoor area which is used daily to support the teaching of maths and English. 

Children have a Jolly Phonics reading book to take home, which we politely request is read as much as possible. 

Please see our planning, updates and photos (below). 


Summer 1

I hope everyone has had a lovely Easter. This half term our topic will be 'Nurturing Nurses'. We will be looking at Nurses from the past and how nursing has changed over time. We have a special visit booked from the Red House Theatre Company who are going to show us what life was like for Florence Nightingale. 

Information for this half term: 

Mondays - Mrs Simmons will take the class in an afternoon while I have planning time. 

Wednesdays - Gymnastics (please ensure all children have PE kits)

Fridays - PE  

Please see our medium term planning for Summer below.

Please see our class updates below.

General updates

All stars cricket - Thank you to Dom from All Stars cricket who came and gave us a cricket lesson! All children thoroughly enjoyed learning a new skill!

Snow drop walkWe have been around the village to look at snowdrops, during our walk we spent time making observational drawings and looking closely at the different stages of growth. The children produced some fantastic drawings which we have displayed on our walls in the classroom!

Stay and read/ Stay and solveThank you to all parents and carers who came to our stay and read session. It was a great success and the children really enjoyed having you in class. 


In history we are learning about nurses. We have so far looked at Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. To help us understand the life of Florence Nightingale the Red House Theatre company came to bring her story to life! We retold her story and even had a go at doing some of the jobs she had to do when she was a nurse!


In our art lessons in class the children have been looking at masks. We looked at different cultures and why people might wear a mask. Children then designed their own and with help from Stephen Joseph Theatre made their own masks! The children did a fantastic job, they all looked fantastic! 

Outdoor Learning

Spring 2: 

So far this term we have:

  • Observed seasonal change around the school grounds 
  • Practised and revised our knowledge on fractions 

Autumn 2:

  • Looked at shapes in the outdoors (linking with maths)
  • Picked leeks and onions out of the school garden and planted new ones. 
  • Tidied up our outdoor area from leaves and made leaf bouquets. 
  • Made bug hotels out of tyres and straw.

Design and Technology

We have so far completed two design and technology projects in class. 

We have looked at redesigning an outdoor area for our school in which we created diorama models to show our ideas. The children have planned and redesigned a new 'Foxes den'. Children have drawn birds eye plans, looked in catalogues and looked at other schools outdoor learning facilities so we could see what to include. We then made our own diorama models. 

We have also created spring rolls to celebrate Chinese New Year. Children spent time learning skills such as chopping, grating and peeling. We carried out the full design cycle to create our spring rolls. 

Contact Us

Back St,
Wold Newton,
East Riding of Yorkshire
YO25 3YJ


01262 470633