Drama Club
Drama club is all about having fun, learning new skills and building self confidence. The children will have the chance to build new skills such as acting, singing and dancing in a safe and fun environment. Drama is also a fantastic way to build relationships.
Drama club takes place on a Wednesday night after school from 3:30 - 4:30 pm and is available to children from Reception to Year 6. Drama club is run by Mrs Barnett.
Summer Term 2023
Little Red Riding Hood
We looked at the classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood. The children made each character their own and enjoyed using costumes to bring the characters to life.
Autumn Term 2023
During the Autumn term we looked at lots of different games and activities to help build the children’s communication skills and also build on their self confidence. We like to play freeze frames which is a fantastic activity to help the children use their imagination and team work to create short scenes using their acting skills.
We finished the term off with a spooky party with lots of fun games and activities.
The Lost Reindeer performance December 2023
During the run up to Christmas the children put together a fantastic performance of The Lost Reindeer. Each child was able to put their own spin on the characters they were playing and improvise the way the spoke and moved. The children were able to build on their acting and singing skills and bring all their hard work together. Drama is a fantastic way for the children to build relations with each other..
The Ginger Bread Man
Summer Term 1 May 2024
The children have worked really hard on their performance of The Ginger Bread Man this term. The children took it in turns to play different characters in the play and then as a group decided which part they would each like to play. This term we really focused on the importance of adding expression and individual characteristics to each character. The children did an amazing job of learning their scripts and each child had the chance to give their opinion on what we could add or change to the play to improve it. The children worked really hard to support each other and encourage everyone to do their best.
Jack and the beanstalk
Summer Term 2
The children have been working hard this term to put together a performance of Jack and the beanstalk.
All the children worked as a team to try out the different roles involved in the play and then made a group decision on which parts they would each play. As always the effort and energy all the children put into their roles has been fantastic. We finished off the term with a Summer Party so they could show off their dance moves.