Governor Pen Portraits
Mrs Jennifer Ashwood - Parent Governor and Safeguarding Governor
I'm Jenni - I grew up on a farm near Fordon and attended Wold Newton Primary in the 1990s, which I think set me up very well for my school and work life, and my best friends are still the ones I made here. After a few years working in London in the 2010s, I moved back home to our farm and now run the marketing for our family business. My two sons and two nieces all attend Wold Newton School and I'm proud to be part of the school community too.
Miss Kerry Luckett - Staff Governor
My name is Kerry and I'm a pupil support assistant at Wold Newton School for the last 6 years.
I'm a staff governor for the school and also a parish councillor for Wold Newton. I live in the village and attended the school and my son also attended the school. It is a super place to work and we are a big family.
Mrs Armitage – Partnership Governor
As well as the partnership governor, I am the year 5/6 class teacher at Wold Newton. In addition to this, I lead mathematics across the school. I am a deputy safeguarding lead and help facilitate the school council. I thoroughly enjoy working and being part of the Wold Newton community.