Back St,
Wold Newton,
East Riding of Yorkshire
YO25 3YJ

Wold Newton Foundation School

01262 470633

 Welcome to Class 2 

Class 2

In Class 2 Mrs Garthwaite teaches Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Simmons teaches the last session on Wednesdays and Mrs Sutcliffe teaches Thursday and Friday.

Children can bring a healthy snack for morning break as fruit is only provided in Key stage 1. [cheese, yoghurts, fruit, flap jack etc. Please avoid chocolate/ crisps/ nuts and sweets] 

Please ensure pupils have PE kit in school each week and a suitable pair of trainers also.


We ask that children read to an adult three times each week. This is to develop fluency and apply phonics for decoding unfamiliar words, but also to develop comprehension and expand pupils vocabulary. Please share stories with your child and ask them questions about the books you share together.

We are very excited to be visiting Wykeham Lakes during the Autumn term for a series of sessions developing paddle boarding skills and bush craft. 

We are also very lucky to have secured tickets to see the Hip-hop musical the Pied Piper on the 26th of September at Bridlington Spa. More information about both these events will be sent out towards the beginning of term.


If you have any questions please contact the school office to make an appointment.

Below you will find our planning which details topics and skills which children will be developing this term.

Many thanks for your support.

We had a great turn out for our recent Stay and Solve session. It was great to see so many parents working alongside their children. 

All the children in Class 2 did an amazing job using their art skills to create some fantastic art after looking at the  artist Hokusai.

Red House Theatre 

Class 2 had a fantastic afternoon with the brilliant Red House Theatre company. The children are learning about Ancient Egypt in class so this was a fantastic hands on experience to learn about how things were done in Ancient Egypt. 

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Contact Us

Back St,
Wold Newton,
East Riding of Yorkshire
YO25 3YJ


01262 470633