Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage Unit at Wold Newton Foundation School
Class Teachers - Mrs Richardson, Mrs Rix
Nursery Nurse -Mrs Shores
1:1Pupil Support - Miss Vidler
Class bear - Barney
In our EYFS class, our Nursery and Reception children work together to learn and develop their skills in a friendly, colourful and creative environment.
School Day
The school day will commence at 8:50am where children are to be dropped off at the EYFS playground.
If your child is staying for a school dinner this is from 12 until 12:30pm. Please collect your child at 12 if they are going home for dinners. The end of the school day will be at 3:30pm and we ask you to promptly collect your child at 3:25pm if you have a child in another year group.
PE will take place on a Thursday afternoon (for Nursery and Reception) with a focus on physical movement this term. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit and pumps/trainers with them in school at all times.
We use class dojo to communicate with both parents and children www.classdojo.com and regularly share things that are going on in the classroom. Please contact the school office if you wish to speak to any member of staff.
Juice and biscuits
Every Friday playtime we offer juice and biscuits to all children in the school for a cost of 50p. Please send your child with their money in a named envelope and hand it to the class teacher.
Story Craft Theatre December 2024
All the children in the EYFS & KS1 had a great morning when The Story Craft Theatre group visited us to perform their story of the Ginger Bread. Man. They used some excellent real and shadow puppets and shared with us workshops on how make and move our own puppets.
We use Jolly Phonics to teach sounds to the children in Reception
Your child will be sent home with a phonics book and a reading book to share at the end of Autumn Term 1. We ask that you practice phonics sounds and reading with your child at least three times per week and sign their reading record.
Please find attached below information about the importance of sharing books with your child and ways to support you to do this.