Back St,
Wold Newton,
East Riding of Yorkshire
YO25 3YJ

Wold Newton Foundation School

01262 470633



The Curriculum at Wold Newton Primary School. The Intent, implementation and impact of our curriculum- Art and Design


At Wold Newton we aim to provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum ensuring all pupils have access to the topics covered developing pupils interest in past and present forms of human creativity, questioning their impact and message and using these as inspiration for their own creativity. Art should encourage critical thinkers who can consider how art and design has shaped our history and contributed to the culture and creativity of our nation. We believe art should be taught through a wide range of media and include experiences outside the classroom wherever possible drawing our natural environment and linking to other subjects within the curriculum wherever possible. Wherever possible we aim for pupils to gain first-hand experience with local artists and galleries.


In ensuring high standards of teaching we aim to develop pupils who aspire to learn and develop. Art is taught through a two year cycle as detailed in our school long term planning. We develop key skills and knowledge building upon these each year as detailed in our curriculum progression sheets. We believe Art should be embedded in the curriculum by teaching this through as many other subject areas as possible; we encourage pupils to participate in local events and gallery visits, and as a school take all opportunities offered to further pupil’s art and design skills beyond the classroom environment. We believe reading and vocabulary development are key skills to learning and development in this and all areas. We encourage pupils to question and think critically and to express their own responses/ emotions through a variety of media, supporting all other areas of the curriculum.


Children will know more, understand more and remember more about Art and Design. They will reach age appropriate expectations; be able to respond to art and design commenting critically on its impact on them personally and any historical/ cultural significance. They will be able to express themselves through art showing an increasing skill level as they progress through school. We will know this from questioning them on skills they have developed; work scrutiny and the animated way pupils discuss and celebrate art and design topics within school.

Contact Us

Back St,
Wold Newton,
East Riding of Yorkshire
YO25 3YJ


01262 470633