At Wold Newton Foundation School, we are extremely ambitious for our children and have high expectations for their behaviour and personal development. We intend to deliver a PSHE curriculum which is accessible to all and ensures that each of our pupils will know more, remember more and understand more about how to play a positive and successful role within our society, both as a child and as an adult within the future. Our aim is to provide pupils with a knowledge of their world, locally, nationally and globally and give them confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up within this. We aim to provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Moreover, our pupils are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
Our children are not 'numbers' and have many different interests and skills; this is a message that has been brought to life through our ‘Investor in Pupils’ award. We foster the development of learning behaviours and exposure to experiences that build character. In turn, we aim to develop pupils, who are resilient, creative, supportive and tolerant, who understand how to be a respectful member of a community. As part of our aim to reflect on the needs of our community, we have also agreed as a school, six values that we would like our children to develop whilst they are at our school. These are:
- Morals
- Individual Liberty
- Understanding of Faiths and Cultures
- Mutual Respect
- Aspiration
- Healthy and Safe
In addition, each term we focus on a key learning behaviour:
Autumn: Cooperation
Spring: Resilient
Summer: Confident and Independent
Our PSHE curriculum is taught through a range of discrete lessons, assemblies, linked to subjects such as RE, Computing and Geography as well as ensuring the children have access to a wide variety of roles, visits and situations where they have to apply their knowledge and skills. Visitors such as careers advisers, the local emergency services, the NSPCC and programmes such as the Local Authority’s ‘Pedestrian Skills’ programme teach our children to be safe and respectful of people and potentially dangerous situations. We take the well-being of our pupils seriously and the whole school engage in strategies to investigate pupil’s well-being and take action to improve it.